WAY TO GO Colorado Patriots! Dictator SOS Jena Griswold and her team have received the message loud and clear Colorado Voters do not want The Dictator’s emergency rules to be enacted permanently. There are 325 officially submitted petitions as of July 20 th (we’re also calling this petition 1 of 2 since this petition was first posted 7/1) What’s interesting is that the Dictator’s office is behind on logging these petitions so the totals will continue to rise. A quote from The Capitol, “We’re totally overwhelmed. We haven’t seen this many petitions, ever.” Check for yourself if your petition has been logged and to watch the totals gro
Fast Fact: It’s been reported that the highest number of petitions received at the SOS’ office is 17. We have absolutely crushed that with 325 and counting , that’s 19x the number they’ve ever seen before. Let’s keep it rolling. We now have a second petition, here’s why…
Dictator Griswold Channels Mentor Stalin: Griswold has officially denied the public a separate hearing to simply listen to The People about their concerns on the election emergency rules. This is a signal to all CO patriots that Griswold could be planning to ignore citizen’s testimony on her regular rules changes that are in addition to her emergency rules changes. In order to close this potential loophole, please sign, submit and share this SECOND PETITION. We’ve designed it to force Griswold to listen to us. All info, instructions & petition #2 are here.
Power Grabs are Back on the Menu, Boys! Griswold’s normal rule changes are equally outrageous as the emergency rules. In summary, The Dictator’s rules do two things. First, it negates key decision making, auditing, transparency, and oversight abilities from both the County Clerks and Colorado voters who run elections. Secondly, it centralizes election power to the State. This is in direct contradiction to our Constitution and the election system our Founding Fathers set-up. The whole idea of American elections is that the power rests in the hands of the people, decentralized, and on the local level. Griswold is following the National Dem Playbook by attempting to seize power and centralize it at the state level. This action sets up the next phase of rolling up the power to the Federal level. These moves by the elites should be alarming to all Americans. Learn more.
August 3 rd Hearing: Griswold has decided to combine both the emergency rules hearing and her REGULAR rules changes into a single virtual hearing on August 3 rd from 1:00- 3:00 pm. Sign up to testify here. As of now, it appears that testimonies will be five minutes per person and done in the order people have signed up. If you’ve never testified before it’s easy. You write out what you want to say, and read it during your scheduled 5 minutes so it’s on the record. It’s critical that we fill all the slots and don’t allow the opposition to sign up to testify in order to crowd us out.
I’ve Never Testified…What do I Say? First, we’d recommend you don’t drop the F-bomb in your testimony, but this advice only gets you so far. All joking aside, a partner organization is offering a virtual boot camp to train folks on how to testify, how to say what you want in order to spur action, plus run through the basics of how the whole testifying process works. All who are planning on testifying are asked to attend one of the two sessions due to the nature of the information that will be shared.
WWDGD: What Will Dictator Griswold Do?
Griswold and The State have declared war on the people of Colorado…. Our opening salvo is the petition campaign leading to the Aug 3 hearing. This is the FIRST time Griswold and the AG have been challenged at this scale. Stay tuned, engaged, and active Patriots!
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